Wednesday, October 20, 2010


本会即将举办于 19/11/2010 拉曼大学(金宝)第一届华语歌曲创作比赛

地点:拉曼大学(金宝)heritage hall,block A


参赛资格 Participation Eligibility

1. 只要是拉曼大学在界学生均可参加,谢绝职业作词及职业作曲人参赛。 All UTAR student are allowed to participate, excluding professional lyricists and composers, are eligible for this contest.

2. 第一届拉曼大学华语歌曲创作比赛筹工委会成员一律不能参赛。 All event organizing and working committees of the UTAR 1st Song Composing Competition 2010 are ineligible for this contest.

3. 参赛作品必须是以华语为主的创作歌曲,而且须是纯本地创作,未经灌录成卡带或广碟。曾经在其他歌曲创作比赛获奖的作品,或属其他 公司版权之歌曲,都一律谢绝。 All submitted entries must be Chinese original works and must be local production as well. All songs are accepted, except entries which have won any prizes in any song-composing competition, or have existing contract with any copyright company.

4. 作品可属独创式或集体创作。人数限于1人至6人。 All entries can either be in solo or group, including the lyrics, melody, song arrangement and song mixing. However, there are only 1 to 6 participants in a group.

5. 参赛歌曲的作词者,作曲者及编曲者不得持有任何唱片公司或唱片版权公司的合约在身。 Composers, lyricists and arrangers of the submitted song must not have any existing contract with any recording or publishing company.

6. 在决赛期间,未经主办单位许可,参赛者不可私自发表其参赛作品。 Before the Grand Finale, participants must obtain the permission from the event organizer before performing or releasing the submitted song to the public.

比赛详情 Competition Outline

1. 比赛分为一次初赛,一次复赛和一次决赛。 The competition is divided into a Preliminary round, a Semi-Final and Grand Finale.

2. 复赛资格将取决于MP3格式的DEMO带。 The eligibility to the Semi-Final will be based on the DEMO in MP3 format.

3. 初赛成绩将在作品收集后一个星期公布。 The results of the Preliminary Round will be announced one week after the collection demo week.

4. 复赛将在2010年11月5及6日,而成绩将在当天公布。 The Semi-Final will be on 5th November 2010 and the results of the Semi-Final Round will be announced on the same day.

5. 主办当局将以电话简讯或电邮方式通知进入围者。 The Semi-Finalists will be informed through email or letter.

6. 复赛的比赛形似将有评审当场评分,而决赛入围者将在11月8日公布。 The Semi-Final contestants will be judged by judges on the spot, and the Grand Finalists will be announced on

8th November 2010.

7. 比赛的总决赛暂时鉴定于 2010 年 11 月 19 日。 The Grand Finale is temporarily set on 19th November 2010.

作品内容要求 Songs’ Requirements

1. 作品题材不限,唯歌词内容必须健康,无色情元素及其他不良意识,不违反宗教及友族和谐精

神,以及不涉及政治和其他敏感课题。 There is no restriction for the content of the songs. However, explicit contents regarding violence, sex, religion and politics are strictly prohibited.

2. 每一首创作作品的 DEMO 不得超过 6 分钟。 The duration of the submitted demo must not exceed 6 minutes.

3. 参赛作品必须以华语为主,即必须至少 80%华语,20%可以以其他语言演绎。 At least 80% of the submitted song must be in Chinese (in terms of lyrics and duration), while the remaining 20% can be in other languages.

伴奏乐器及演绎 Instruments and Accompaniment

1. 决赛当天的所有乐器必须是现场伴奏。 All accompaniments in the Grand Finale must be presented in a live performance.

2. 伴奏乐器不限,进入决赛者可自备乐器。 Any kind of instruments are welcomed; performers are encouraged to bring their own instruments.

3. 歌曲演绎者不限定必须是作词或作曲者,但每首作品的演绎者人数不得超过 6 人。 Performers might not necessarily be the composer or the lyricist. However, the number of the singers and instrumentalists must not exceed 6 persons.

4. 表演者必须衣冠端正。 Performers must be in neat and suitable attires.

5. 作品可以以独唱或合唱方式呈现。 All entries can be performed in solo or in group.

作品版权 Works’ Copyright

1. 未入选决赛的歌曲不会被主办当局擅自使用、发表或灌录,以保护参赛者之权益。 All works that are unqualified for the Grand Finale will not be used by the event organizer without obtaining permission from the songwriters, so as to protect their rights.

2. 进入决赛圈的作品之发表权将归大会所有。 All works which are qualified for the Grand Finale will be copyrighted to the event organizer.


Vonzell 0173784733 or email
Hee 0149442600 or


booth设在Block C正中间的位置,从18/10/2010~29/10/2010,早上10点到下午3点,为期两个星期。

华文学会 启

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


地点: IDK 5

1. 主席致词
2. 顾问致词
3. 常年活动报告汇报
4. 财政报告汇报
5. 问答时间
6. 选举
7. 膳食


华文学会 启

Wednesday, March 31, 2010



我们已经计划在来临的Week 13(日期尚未确定)在校内举办一个辩论表演赛,以让同学们更为了解辩论。



p/s: 今晚(1.4.2010)九点在1473A我们将有一个简单的辩论聚会兼训练,所有有兴趣的同学皆可出席。

Saturday, January 30, 2010




地点:Cafeteria, Block C

拉曼大学华文学会 谨启

Chinese Language Society Recruitment Drive

Date: 1st February 2010 (Monday) - 3rd February 2010 (Wednesday)
Time: 10.00 am – 3.00 pm
Venue: Cafeteria, Block C

Upcoming Events:
1. Chinese New Year Dinner
2. Chinese New Year Bazaar
3. Perak State Secondary School Chinese Debate Competition
(Southern Perak District Organizer)

Chinese Language Society
Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman